
Showing posts from March, 2018

World Water Day 22nd March

Image In July, 'Day Zero' will come to Cape Town, South Africa where millions of homes will no longer have running water. The 22nd March was World Water Day and the UN's focus was on 'The Answer is in Nature'. Cape Town is not the only city facing a water crisis, in the UK, one day we will face one too. The future of water will soon be the main issue in our society so we need to prevent it before we too have a water deadline of day zero. Our consumption of water is increasing due to our ever growing population and the developing nature of our industries. There is a strong correlation between water consumption and affluence and as UK citizens we use an enormous excess of water. I'm not saying we need to change major factors of our daily life but simple things like turning the tap off when we brush our teeth, installing dual flush toilets or using the eco-wash on dishwashers and washing machines. By changing these few simple things in

A Street Cat named Bob

'A street cat named Bob' is an inspiring film that follows a true story of a homeless man from poverty to success. It makes you realise how bad conditions living on the street are and how we need to give as many people emergency housing as possible.