
Showing posts from February, 2018

School Shooting and Gun Control in America

When is enough, enough?   The  Amendment Right to Bear Arms in the USA was created to prevent the new Federal Government  (1789)  from disarming the state militias and ousting them with a Federal standing army.   So far, in 2018, there have been 18 U.S. school shootings.  Trump's plan is to force some teachers to be armed with  guns  in classrooms to prevent further  occurrences   such as  the shooting in Florida High School.  Why is the solution to  gun  problems to arm  more  people with  guns ?  Who's to say the  teachers  will be  more  sensible with  guns  than anyone else? As a student I would feel  more  unsafe going into school with an armed  teacher  than the fear of a school shooting.  Teachers would have to have gun training meaning more people would learn how to wield a gun.  Some blame the use of guns as a solution to everything on  video games .   Video games  such as Call of Duty often teach children with vulnerable minds that killing more people will advance t